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Agribusiness News December 2023
Posted: Thursday, 30 November 2023
Welcome to the December edition of Agribusiness News. If you prefer to download this document click the download button.
N e w s i n b r i e f
The devil will be in the detail
Following the close of the consultation period for the new Agricultural and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill, the industry will now have an extended wait to see how the outlined support framework will translate into hard cash heading down the farm or croft road in the years to come.
On a positive note, in response to the ongoing cost of living crisis, the UK Government’s Autumn Statement announced 1-2% reduction in National Insurance rates and an annual increase of around £900 for those eligible for a State Pension. In addition to which, the Scottish Government has announced new training funds available through Lantra for young people and women wanting to progress their careers in the Agricultural sector.
With this year’s turbulent weather, it is no surprise there has been a reduction in the number of hectares planted of winter wheat, barley, oats, and oil seed rape. However, it is expected that there will be a compensatory increase in the area of combinable crops planted next spring.
As we head towards Christmas, with a reported 15% reduction in turkey poults on farm this year; it could give a welcome boost to pork, beef, and lamb sales over the Festive period. Dairy products are already rising in demand ahead of the Christmas period.
With the countdown underway to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2032 and the complexities of running an agricultural business increasing year on year; this month’s Management Matters highlights the help that is available to farmers and crofters who find managing their business a daily struggle simply because their eyes and brains interpret things differently, whether it be due to Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or Meares Irlen Syndrome. Don’t struggle in silence, getting help can literally change your life.
This month’s editor: Christine Beaton
Next month:
- Global Trends
- Year end Roundup and Looking ahead to 2024