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Milk Manager News – July 2023
Posted: Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Welcome to the July edition of Milk Manager News. If you prefer to download this document click the download button.
Along with the regular articles on milk and cereal market updates, this month we also have articles about milk feeding management of dairy heifer calves, keeping mastitis under control in summer, sharing best practice from an organic dairy, small calf syndrome and how resilient is your farm?
Dates for Your Diary
- 12th July – Dairy Beef Calf Systems: Managing Nutrition and Infectious Disease. On-line meeting. Time 19.30-20.30. To register please visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89926332400?pwd=MGRMR29GNU5HVFJwci9VMSttcTdidz09
- 19th July – How do you consistently and successfully grow clover in West of Scotland? Ardyne Farm, Dunoon, Argyll & Bute, PA23 7UJ. Time: 11.00. To book your place please contact doreen.anderson@ahdb.org.uk or call 07901 116454
- 20th July – Holstein Scotland South Open Day. Parkend Farm, Cowdenbeath, Fife, KY4 8EX. Time: 10.00. Please RSVP to parkendfarm@hotmail.com to confirm your attendance.
- 27th July – Safe Use of Veterinary Medicines. On-line course. For more information contact event organiser Embryonics on 01606 854411 or email: courses@embryonicsltd.co.uk
- 7th – 10th August – Layscanning (ultrasound scanning for farmers). For more information contact event organiser Embryonics on 01606 854411 or email: courses@embryonicsltd.co.uk
- 10th August – RABDF/Gold Cup Open Day – Holehouse Farm, Ayrshire. Holehouse Farm, Kilbirnie, KA23 7LA. Time:30am.
- 31st August – AHDB D&G Strategic Dairy Farm – Potstown 2-year review. Potstown, Lockerbie, Dumfries and Galloway, DG11 3EP. Time: 10.00-14.30. To book your place please visit: https://ahdb.org.uk/events/dumfries-and-galloway-potstown-two-year-review-small-changes-for-big-results
For any further enquiries regarding the information in this newsletter please contact:
Lorna MacPherson (Dairy Consultant)
SAC Consulting Ferguson Building
Craibstone Estate Aberdeen
AB21 9YA
Email: lorna.macpherson@sac.co.uk
Tel: 01467 530445 Mobile: 07760 990901