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Agribusiness News September 2023

Posted: Friday, 01 September 2023

Welcome to the September edition of Agribusiness News.  If you prefer to download this document click the download button.

N e w s  i n  b r i e f

2023 weather not favouring farmers

It has been a very variable growing season this year, with a cold and dry spring, followed by a June heatwave then a washout July and August. Not ideal for crops, and that is seen in the fields.

Forage quality has been very variable, and the last week busy with a scramble to bring in grass while the weather stays drier. The Scottish Farmer reported this week that beef and sheep carcase weights are down on the year, with slaughterhouse throughput up to compensate for reduced weights and maintain output tonnage.

Cereals too are looking short, following the cold, dry start to the year and changeable summer, and cereal quality so far is very varied. Early suggestions are that straw supply will be low, and overall quality poorer and more varied than usual, not helped by a reduction in pig and poultry numbers affecting feed demand.

In policy news, just this week Scotland’s Rural College published a series of reports presenting evidence and analysis to support rural and agricultural development policies for Scotland. The twelve reports, and summaries, can be read here:

With a chunk of income coming in in the next few weeks, it is a good time of year to take stock ahead of purchasing winter supplies. This month’s input costs article looks at low emissions heating options and funding sources, for those looking to reduce energy bills in the long term. Next month’s management matters article will take a deep dive into budgeting for the year ahead.

Next month:

  • Financial budgeting
  • Feed update

This month’s editor: Anna Sellars


Agribusiness News Sept 2023