Technical notes
The Farm Advisory Service has a wide range of technical notes which are listed below:
- Technical Note (TN643): Weed Management in Grassland
- Technical Note (TN655): Fertiliser recommendations for soft fruit and rhubarb crops
- Technical Note (TN656): Soils information, texture and liming
- Technical Note (TN657): Management of copper in soils for cereals
- Technical Note (TN664): Management of cobalt in grassland soils
- Technical Note (TN665): Alternative watering for field grazed livestock I – abstraction systems
- Technical Note (TN666): Alternative watering for field grazed livestock II – pumping systems
- Technical Note (TN668): Managing soil phosphorus
- Technical Note (TN669): Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA)
- Technical Note (TN671): Management of boron in soils for crops
- Technical Note (TN674): Cross compliance inspection process
- Technical Note (TN676): Why tag and record sheep?
- Technical Note (TN677): Treatment and control of liver fluke in sheep and cattle
- Technical Note (TN680 Revised): Hydropower (small-scale)
- Technical Note (TN681): Nutritional management of artificially reared calves
- Technical Note (TN682): Solar Photovoltaics (PV)
- Technical Note (TN683): Wind Energy
- Technical Note (TN685): Sulphur Recommendations for Crops
- Technical Note (TN686): Conservation Grazing for Semi-Natural Habitats
- Technical Note (TN687): Managing Arable Farmland for Biodiversity
- Technical Note (TN688): Management and Conservation for Farmland Waders
- Technical Note (TN689): Cattle Housing and Ventilation
- Technical Note (TN690): Protecting young woodlands from vole damage
- Technical Note (TN691): Plants and planting methods
- Technical Note (TN694): Alternative Forages for Sheep: Fodder Beet
- Technical Note (TN695): Pruning to improve timber quality
- Technical Note (TN697): Invasive Plant Species – Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed and Skunk Cabbage
- Technical Note (TN698): Anaerobic Digestion (AD) – Farm Scale
- Technical Note (TN699): Agricultural use of biosolids composts anaerobic digestates and other industrial organic fertilisers
- Technical Note (TN700): Bumblebees and the Importance of Pollination
- Technical Note (TN701): Control of Rushes
- Technical Note (TN702): Body Condition Scoring of Mature Sheep
- Technical Note (TN703): Heat pumps
- Technical Note (TN704): Energy Storage and Demand Management
- Technical Note (TN705): Management of wetlands for wildlife
- Technical Note (TN706): RHI Sustainability – Becoming Biomass Suppliers List (BSL)
- Technical Note (TN707): RHI Sustainability – Bio Combustion
- Technical Note (TN708): RHI Sustainability – Biogas Combustion
- Technical Note (TN709): RHI Sustainability – Non-Woody Biomass
- Technical Note (TN710): Soil Analysis in the West Highlands and Islands
- Technical Note (TN711): Management of Black Grouse
- Technical Note (TN712): Land Management for Butterflies
- Technical Note (TN713): Flock Biosecurity for Sheep
- Technical Note (TN714): Liming materials and recommendations
- Technical Note (TN715): Phosphate and potash recommendations for crops grown in Highland and Islands
- Technical Note (TN716): Phosphate and potash recommendations for crops grown in South West Scotland
- Technical Note (TN717): Phosphate and potash recommendations for crops grown in North East Scotland and Tayside
- Technical Note (TN718): Phosphate and potash recommendations for crops grown in Fife, Lothian and Scottish Borders
- Technical Note (TN719): Recommended grass and clover varieties 2018-2019
- Technical Note (TN720): Assessment for Land Drainage
- Technical Note (TN721): Soil Biodiversity and Soil Health
- Technical Note (TN722): Identification of Moorland Habitats
- Technical Note (TN723): Pest management Post Neonicotinoids
- Technical Note (TN724): Minimising Plastic Waste on farms
- Technical Note (TN725): Integrated pest management
- Technical Note (TN726): Fertiliser recommendations for Grassland
- Technical Note (TN727): Winter Oilseed Rape – Integrated Weed Management
- Technical Note (TN728): Planning Agricultural Field Drainage
- Technical Note (TN730): Construction of a Cow Track for Access to Grazing
- Technical Note (TN731): Nitrogen Recommendations for Cereals, Oilseed Rape and Potatoes
- Technical Note (TN732): Recommended grass and clover varieties 2019-2020
- Technical note (TN734): Fertiliser recommendations for vegetables, minority arable crops and bulbs
- Technical Note (TN735): Biofumigation to suppress pests, weeds and diseases
- Technical Note (TN738): Hedges – Carbon, Conservation & Compliance
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